Docker Scan (ECR/GCR)

You can scan container images by specifying the container image name. Currently, it supports AWS and GCP DockerRegistry.

Target container images

Scan frequency

Container image scanning is performed around 7:00 am JST every morning. You can also manually scan from the server detail screen.

Amazon ECR scan

AWS settings

  • Register DockerImage in ECR.
  • Select the DockerImage and click Edit. image
  • Set it to automatically execute a scan when pushed. image
  • If you want to scan a DockerImgae that has already been pushed, select the image individually and scan it. image

Registering images on FutureVuls

After completing the settings in ECR, register the container image on FutureVuls.

  • From the server > Add server > Container registry integration, register the container image you want to scan. Container registry integration

Executing scan

When the image registration is complete, the “Manual scan” button will be displayed on the server detail tab. When the scan is executed, vulnerabilities and tasks are created in the same way as with a normal server.

GCP GCR scan

Configuration on GCP

  • Enable vulnerability scanning in the GCR settings. image
  • Register the Docker image with GCP. image
  • To scan a Docker image that has already been pushed, select the image individually and scan it.

Image registration on FutureVuls

After setting up GCR, register the container image on FutureVuls.

  • Add the container registry from Server > Add Server > Container Registry Link to register the container image to be scanned. Container registry link

Performing the scan

When image registration is complete, the “Manual scan” button will appear in the server’s detailed tab. When the scan is performed, vulnerabilities and tasks will be created just like with a regular server.