
About tasks

Tasks are tickets used to manage vulnerabilities detected by server scans.

Tasks cannot be manually created or closed in order to ensure that only vulnerabilities that have actually been detected are managed.

If a vulnerability is detected during a server scan, a task is added, and if the vulnerability has been resolved, the task is closed (PATCH_APPLIED).

Tasks, vulnerabilities, servers, and roles


Name Description
Task Registers “1 server x 1 vulnerability” as 1 task (similar to a ticket)
Vulnerability Manages a list and details of detected vulnerabilities (CVEs)
Server Manages a list and details of scanned servers
Role Manages servers by grouping them

Tasks cannot be manually registered. They are automatically generated based on vulnerabilities detected on the server.


Tasks have five available statuses:

Status Name State Note
NEW Newly detected vulnerability Set when a vulnerability is detected
INVESTIGATING Under investigation Set during vulnerability investigation
ONGOING In progress Set after investigation is complete and while considering and preparing a response
DEFER Task on hold Set when a response is postponed, such as during regular maintenance
WORKAROUND Mitigated Set after implementing a workaround, such as a virtual patch or configuration change
NOT_AFFECTED No impact Set when it is confirmed that the vulnerability does not affect the environment
RISK_ACCEPTED Risk accepted Set when a decision is made to tolerate the impact of the vulnerability
PATCH_APPLIED Patch applied Automatically set after the next scan following patch application
Manually setting the status is not allowed

The status of a task typically transitions as follows:

  • Investigate, prepare, and apply a patch
    • NEWINVESTIGATINGONGOING (preparing to apply patch) → PATCH_APPLIED
  • Implement a workaround without applying a patch
  • Implement a temporary workaround and later apply a patch
    • NEWINVESTIGATINGONGOING (preparing workaround) → WORKAROUND (workaround implemented) → ONGOING (preparing to apply patch) → PATCH_APPLIED
  • Determine that the vulnerability does not affect the environment after investigation…

You can automatically obtain a list of installed WordPress core, plugins, and themes on the server and detect vulnerabilities.

Item Details Update Timing
Task ID ID of the task. None
CVE ID CVE-ID of the task. None
Server name Name of the task server. When updating the server
Role name Role name of the server. When updating the server
Server UUID UUID of the server. None
Task priority Priority of the task set by the user.
Value can be HIGH / MEDIUM / LOW, default is NONE.
When updating the task
Status Status of the task.
NEW / PATCH_APPLIED are automatically set statuses.
The user cannot manually set PATCH_APPLIED.
When updating the task
Primary assignee Primary assignee of the task.
Displays the primary assignee set by the user.
If the default assignee is set on the server, it will be set when the task is created.
When updating the task
Secondary assignee Secondary assignee of the task.
Displays the secondary assignee set by the user.
When updating the task
Planned response date Planned response date of the task.
Displays the planned response date set by the user.
When updating the task
Response deadline Response deadline of the task.
Displays the response deadline set by the user or set by the caution tag.
When updating the task, updating the caution tag
Patch provision Whether a patch has been provided for the vulnerable software related to the task.
✓: Valid patches have been released for all related software.
☓: No patches have been provided for all related software at this time.
Detailed information is reflected in the Patch provision status.
△: Among multiple related software, patches have been provided and not provided.
❔: Some related software has an unknown patch provision status.
-:Patch applied and vulnerabilities resolved for all related software.
If you scan CentOS, AlmaLinux, or Rocky Linux with fast scan mode or paste scan, you cannot determine whether patches are provided or not, so it is displayed as “❔” (in fast-root scan mode, it is displayed as “○☓△”).
When scanning
Patch provision status Patch provision status for packages related to tasks.
Patch provision status published by each vendor.
Example for Red Hat systems (Reference URL)
- Will not fix: Vendors judge that they will not provide patches.
- Affected: Patch not provided
- Fix deferred: Patch will be provided.
During scan
Process running Whether related processes are running on the server and opening and listening on ports.
- Mark, such as media player pause: Process is stopped.
- Mark, such as play button: Process is running, but no ports are listening.
- Mark, such as radio wave: Process is running, and ports are listening.
During scan
Critical filter Whether the task meets the criteria for critical unresolved issues. Upon updating the critical filter.
Danger Whether the task is associated with vulnerabilities that have the Danger flag set. Upon updating the Danger flag.
Attack code available Whether attack code or proof-of-concept for vulnerabilities associated with the task is publicly available. Upon changes to DB information.
Mitigation/avoidance measures Whether mitigation or avoidance measures are available from Red Hat or Microsoft data sources. Upon changes to DB information.
Alert information Whether alert information is published by CISA-KEV, JPCERT/CC-Alerts, or US-CERT-Alerts.
CISA-KEV: “Alert information exists (critical)”.
JPCERT/CC-Alerts or US-CERT-Alerts: “Alert information exists (notice)”.
Upon changes to DB information.
CloudOne status CloudOne integration status. During scan
Advisory ID The advisory ID associated with the vulnerability is displayed. (For Windows, this is the KBID.) Upon changes to DB information.
Alert tag The special alert tag registered with the vulnerability. Upon updating the alert tag.
Confidence level Displays the confidence level of the detection method or information source. During scan
Vulnerable software Displays packages related to the task.
Only displays packages with remaining vulnerabilities.
During scan
Server tag Tags set for the server associated with the task. Upon updating the server.
SSM integration AWS SSM integration status. During scan
SSVC PRIORITY SSVC priority. During scan
Update date and time The date and time the task was last updated. During scan, upon updating the task.
Initial detection date and time The date and time the vulnerability associated with the task was first detected. During scan, upon updating the task.
Hide flag Hide flag status of the task. If the task is set to be hidden, “○” will be displayed. During scanning, updating hidden tasks
Hide type Conditions for hiding. During scanning, updating hidden tasks



Tabs are provided for ease of use in the task list.

Tab name Tasks to be obtained
Not yet handled List of tasks with NEW status and not set to be hidden
My task List of tasks where you are assigned as the main or sub responsible party and have not been handled
Handling List of tasks with INVESTIGATING or ONGOING status and not set to be hidden
On hold List of tasks with DEFER status and not set to be hidden
Expired List of tasks where the handling deadline has passed and have not been handled
Handled List of tasks with status WORKAROUND or PATCH_APPLIED or set to be hidden
All List of all tasks

Hide specified tasks in bulk

The upper limit of bulk task update is 10,000 tasks. If you have more than 10,000 tasks, please update them in multiple times.

Select multiple tasks to hide them.

Hide tasks dialog

Update specified tasks in bulk

The upper limit of bulk task update is 10,000 tasks. If you have more than 10,000 tasks, please update them in multiple times.

You can update multiple selected tasks in bulk.

Edit tasks dialog

SSM Update

You can issue an on-demand update command for vulnerabilities on EC2 instances that have registered AWS authentication information.

SSM Update

Update command

Select one or more tasks to display the update command.
The update command appropriate for each server OS will be displayed.

However, no update commands will be displayed for packages registered with CPE.

Update command


Select multiple tasks to display the appropriate Ansible Playbook for each server OS.

However, no update commands will be displayed for packages registered with CPE.

Ansible Playbook

Task Second Pane

When you click on an item in the task list in the first pane, the second pane appears. In the Detail tab, you can check and update task details.

Task Update

The following items can be set in Task Update:


Item Details
Task priority The priority of the task set by the user will be displayed.
Value is HIGH / MEDIUM / LOW. Default is NONE.
Status The task’s status is displayed.
The status automatically set is NEW / PATCH_APPLIED.
The user cannot manually set PATCH_APPLIED.
Scheduled completion date The scheduled completion date of the task.
Displays the scheduled completion date set by the user.
Deadline The deadline for the task.
Displays the deadline set by the user or the deadline set by the alert tag.
Main person in charge The main person in charge of the task will be displayed.
The main person in charge set by the user will be displayed.
If a default person in charge is set for the server, the default person in charge will be set when the task is created.
Subordinate person in charge The subordinate person in charge of the task will be displayed.
The subordinate person in charge set by the user will be displayed.
Comment The comments posted on the task are displayed.
Can be written in Markdown format.

Task Hide Setting

You can use the hide flag in the upper right corner of the task details to hide the task.

By using hiding, it is possible to perform more efficient vulnerability management.

You can check the software with vulnerabilities associated with the task.

Item Details
Software Name Vulnerable Software Name
Version Current version of the installed software
Update Latest version of the software
Path Path to the definition file of the language library
Repository Software repository
Patch Offer Status Status and version of the patch if available
Initial Detection Date Date and time when the software was first detected
Affected Processes Information on affected processes

In addition, if a patch is available, you can use the Update Command Function.

You can check a list of advisories related to the vulnerability that the task is associated with and links to their pages. advisory-link


You can check the SSVC priority of the task and the reasons for its derivation in SSVC. task-ssvc


You can check the task’s update history by the system and post comments to share information with other users.

You can switch the display setting of the system update history with the Display system update history bar.

Notification of Comments by Mention

Mentions can also be made in comments. By entering @ and selecting the target, the user will be notified by e-mail of the task contents. You can select a target from each user name and user group.

[Mention candidates displayed on the group screen]

  • Individual users with the following privileges (can be confirmed at Group Settings > Members)
    • Owner
    • CSIRT
    • Group set administrator / member
    • Group administrator / member
  • User groups with specific privileges
    • Owner (@owner)
    • CSIRT (@csirts)
    • Administrator (@groupSetAdmin) / Member (@groupSetMember) of the group set containing the group to which the relevant task belongs
    • Administrator (@groupAdmin) / member (@groupMember) of the group to which the relevant task belongs

[Mention candidates on the Group Set screen]

  • Individual users with the following privileges (can be confirmed at GroupSetSettings > Members)
    • Owner
    • CSIRT
    • Groupset administrator / member
  • User group with specific privileges
    • Owner (@owner)
    • CSIRT (@csirts)
    • Administrator (@groupSetAdmin) / Member (@groupSetMember) of the group set containing the group to which the relevant task belongs
    • Administrator (@groupAdmin) / member (@groupMember) of the group to which the relevant task belongs