OneLogin Integration
OneLogin Integration
OneLogin Configuration
The connection procedure is as follows:
- On the Applications screen, select “Add App” and choose “Add SAML Custom Connector (Advanced)”.
- Enter the application name in the “Display Name” field (e.g., “FutureVuls”).
- On the Configuration page, enter the SSO endpoint displayed on the FutureVuls screen for both “ACS(Consumer) URL” and “ACS(Consumer) URL Validator”. Also, enter the Entity ID displayed on the FutureVuls screen for “SAML Audience(EntityID)”.
- On the Parameters page, add a field. Specify “" for the “Field name”, check “Include in SAML assertion” and set the value to “Email”.
That concludes the connection configuration.
Please check the Issuer URL on the SSO page, as it will be used in the subsequent FutureVuls configuration.
FutureVuls Configuration
When configuring FutureVuls, enter “" for the email attribute definition. Set the metadata definition path to the Issuer URL mentioned above.