FutureVuls requires access to the Internet from the scan execution server during “installation” and “upload of scan results”. If your environment requires access to the Internet via a proxy server, please configure the following settings.
Set the proxy to the environment variable before installation.
export http_proxy="http://<proxy server address or hostname>:<port number>"
For a proxy with authentication, use the following format.
export http_proxy="http://<proxy user>:<proxy password>@<proxy server address or hostname>:<port number>"
Running the installer is the same as the normal procedure. After installation is complete, refer to the “After Installation” section below and configure the settings.
Please configure the following so that scan results can be uploaded through a proxy.
Edit the file “/opt/vuls-saas/vuls-saas.sh” and change the following section.
#! /bin/bash
## If you are using proxy, please uncomment ##
## PROXY="http://<modify>:<port>"
↑↑↑ Remove the comment out, set the address or hostname and port number of the proxy server according to your environment, and save the file. ↑↑↑↑
For a proxy with authentication
PROXY ="http://<proxy user>:<proxy password>@<proxy server address or host name>:<port number>"
~~~~ Omitted below ~~~~
If the error occurs in a proxy environment please visit here
If you installed the Windows Scanner on or after 2/5/2025, the proxy settings that follow are not required. If you enter the proxy credentials on the Windows Scanner installation screen, the credentials will be automatically included in batch_config.toml during installation, and the proxy settings will be applied to subsequent scans.
Set up Windows OS proxy before installation.
Running the installer is the same as the normal procedure. After installation is complete, refer to the “After Installation” section below and configure the settings.
Please configure config.toml so that scan results can be uploaded via proxy.
To upload scan results via a proxy, please configure the config.toml file.
Edit and modify the “C:\Program Files\vuls-saas\config.toml” file.
Add the proxy server’s address or hostname and port number according to your environment, and save the changes.
Host = "localhost"
ProxyURL = "proxy.contoso.com:8080"
BypassList = "localhost;*.contoso.com"
Override the WinHTTP proxy settings used for Windows Update.
Update the proxy settings for WinHTTP used when accessing the Windows Update servers during a Vuls scan by executing the netsh command.
You can check the current WinHTTP Proxy settings with the following command:
netsh winhttp show proxy
Here’s an example of how to set the WinHTTP proxy with the following information:
netsh winhttp set proxy proxy.contoso.com:8080 "localhost;*.contoso.com"
Changing the WinHTTP settings using netsh affects the entire OS and may impact the communication of other applications. For example, in environments with multiple proxies or applications that internally reference WinHTTP proxy settings, changing the WinHTTP proxy settings may affect communication.
Thoroughly test in a non-production environment before applying changes to the production environment.
Reference: Use Group Policy to apply WinHTTP proxy settings to Windows clients